I first made glass in 2014 when a group of friends gathered together to goto a "make your own" party at a nearby studio. That turned out to be quite an addicting experience and I've sought out much more opportunity to make glass. Since then, I've studied glass making at The Banana Factory, The Corning Museum of Glass, and The Pittsburgh Glass Center. I frequently reflect on the quality of artists/teachers I've been privileged to learn from and it constantly blows my mind. I've never had that sort of experience in anything else I've studied. 
I come by this some what honestly. I've had lifelong exposure to glass as an artistic and technical medium. My father spent his career as an engineer at Sylvania, a large portion of which was devoted to lighting. As such he made frequent visits to their supplier, Corning. He occasionally took us along on those trips and of course we visited the museum
I also have a long history documentary style photography. This traces it roots using my father’s camera during family functions. I also worked on the high school yearbook and college newspaper as a photographer. After a substantial break, being able to take photos with an early iPhone rekindled the spark to document the world around me. After that, several “better” cameras were acquired and and I began recording various events around York with an emphasis on concerts. 
In real life, I work at York College of Pennsylvania as the Assistant Director of Infrastructure and Security Services. That's a fairly long way of saying if there are wires between it, my team is responsible for making it work. (There's also a lot of glass involved in that!) 
My formal education are a York College of Pennsylvania Bachelor of Science and a University of Liverpool (UK, on-line) Postgraduate Certificate in Information Technology. 
A quick website note
Dave Wagenknecht
June 2018
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